Meet a Carter Scholar!
Latisha Hurdle is a nursing student at Tidewater Community College in Virginia.
Latisha said, “I’ve always wanted to become a registered nurse. When I was in 10th grade, I started in the Medical Assistance Program at Norfolk Technical Vocational School. I successfully finished the program and was 1 of 2 students who attempted and passed the state licensure exam.”
Some years later, her father was ill and then passed away. During that difficult time, she met someone who inspired her – her father’s nurse.
Latisha said, “She was intelligent, empathetic, and personable. She was so kind to my family and me. Every time I left that hospital, I was given the gift of knowing that she cared. That lovely lady inspired me to finish what I started almost 9 years ago.”
When asked why she wanted to be a Carter Scholar, Latisha said, “After having a brief conversation with Dr. Carter, she inspired me and mentored me more than anyone ever has. Speaking with someone like her will inspire anyone. Although I haven’t always had the financial resources to pursue my goals at the rate that I’d like, I’ve always remained resilient. I see myself as someone whose hunger for education and growth will never stop. I will always try to better myself and hopefully become an inspiration to others as she became to me during that brief conversation. Sometimes all it takes is someone who embodies what you strive to be to keep you motivated. I hope to one day be that example for others.”
We are incredibly proud of Latisha and look forward to her taking the world by storm!